Wedding Podcast Network is the go-to website for today’s brides. It’s an innovative, invaluable online resource focused on helping couples plan their wedding. WPN provides an essential source of information, ideas and insight. Our smart, in-the-know hosts and their guests provide reputable advice and guidance in an entertaining, conversational fashion.
Wedding Podcast Network is dedicated to offering its listeners the largest variety of wedding information that they can simply download while providing its advertisers with an effective platform for reaching today’s tech savvy, constantly on the move, information hungry bride. Grow your business, build brand equity and put your message in front of thousands of brides when you showcase your message on
Barely two years old, podcasting is becoming a popular marketing tool among businesses of all sizes. Podcasting is growing with a listening audience expected to reach 60 million people nationwide by 2010, according to The Diffusion Group, a consumer technology research firm based in Plano, Texas. Twenty percent of those users download weekly, averaging six downloads per week. Right now about 15%of those who have digital music devices use them for podcasting. That rate is expected to reach 75% by 2010. About half the people who frequent gyms own MP3 players, says Gregory Florez, an American Council on Exercise spokesman, so they already have the equipment.
Podcasting, the newest internet medium, presents some major reach opportunities. Many marketers find lots of interest in the broad demographics of the podcast. In general, they are younger, better educated and more affluent than either mass-media audiences or even Web audiences as a whole. They're mostly 18-34, heavy tech users and digital media consumers. Although studies have suggested that they skew largely male, McCrery says PodTrac data indicates that the audience group who say they've listened to a podcast is reaching a 50 percent female mark. All in all, it's an attractive market, and one that's becoming increasingly hard to reach through broadcast channels, either TV or radio.
Podcasting is a way for consumers to get wedding information based on their own preferences and timing. The podcast allows consumers an expanded focus on wedding topics or personalities that are not covered in traditional media. The pursuit of this freedom has driven many "revolutionary" products and services: the personal stereo, the laptop computer and the digital video recorder, to name but a few. It’s a new touchpoint with consumers. One in five Americans owns an iPod or MP3 player. Almost a third of the 22 million U.S. adults who own iPods or other MP3 players have downloaded and listened to podcasts, according to a Pew Internet and American Life Project survey. An extensive ABC survey last year found an even split on how podcasts were listened to: about half via computer and half on an iPod or MP3.
Wedding Podcast Network is the first and best place on the web to listen to wedding advice.
Podcast listeners are loyal, engaged, unlikely to fast forward, measurable, trendsetters and focused.
Podcasting is an exceptionally fast-growing marketing technology.
The New Oxford American Dictionary named "podcast" as the 2005 Word of the Year.

Wedding Market Overview
The wedding is one of society’s most valued traditions, a custom honored worldwide.
Weddings occur 12 months a year.
Average engagement lasts 14 months.
The average cost of weddings today is $27,000 - $32,000.
American weddings have grown to a $125 billion-a-year industry.
More than 2.25 million weddings are held each year–nearly 6,000 weddings a day--, and if indications are correct, the number will continue to increase as Generation Y (Echo Baby Boomers, Millennial Group) begins marrying–those born between 1979 and 1994. This group has reached the median age of first-time brides and grooms–age 27. While these numbers are staggering, the wedding industry is smiling. It is estimated that $55 billion is spent on weddings each year ($19 billion is spend on wedding gift registries , $12 billion on honeymoons). $70 billion is spent on purchases for their new life together (insurance, automotive, financial services, real estate, etc.)
Average household income of a newly married couple is $60,000/year.
Our listeners are interested in the best of everything for their dream wedding.
She’s ready to spend. It’s time to influence her decision on the Wedding Podcast Network.
beauty, cosmetics, hair
bridal & formal wear
bridal shows
honeymoon & travel
music & entertainment
plus health, food, money, and more.

Podcasting is rapidly moving from the realm of hip and hype into serious media. At wpn we want to match the right brands with our podcasts. Select wpn based on a combination of creative content and audience demographics. We will create a custom, comprehensive ad campaign for you. We want to get your message to our couples in a personal way. Increase your exposure to a highly targeted audience who are actively looking for your services. We look forward to a long, lasting relationship.
For more information contact
Holli Ehrlich, Marketing Director
800.882.1259 x22